Thursday, July 7, 2011

What makes a good architectural design

7 Values of design:

Artistic aspects and self-expression

The spirit of the time design value
The structural, functional and material honesty design value
The simplicity and minimalism
The nature and organic 
The classic, traditional and vernacular aesthetics design value
The regionalism

The spirit of the time design value:
It is for targeting a specific age group, and to make buildings look vintage or futuristic. They give the building its looks, and if used properly can attract all the age groups, giving it more sales and profit.

The structural, functional and material honesty design value:
It is for giving the buildings its functionality, and less decorations. Usually engineers are in charge of them.
The simplicity and minimalism:
As its name implies, it is to make the decorative factor simple, yet elagent. It makes use of basic shapes, pictures and geometry. It however is not always used in design buildings. 
The nature and organic:
This factor is based on nature, and revolves around it. It uses beauty from nature to get its shape and structure, and can sometimes be basic yet sleek and elegant, and have free flowing lines
The classic, traditional and vernacular aesthetics design value:
this greatly relates to the spirit of time and design, and usually incorporates a vintage and older look
The regionalism:
This is used to blend the building into the surroundings while keeping its outstanding looks.

Example: Sydney opera house
